
In this section we showcase several typical use-cases of “Atlas Interpolation”:

  • Use pair interpolation to predict an intermediate image between two given images

  • Predict optical flow between any pair of images and use it to morph a third image

  • In a gene expression volume predict missing slices and reconstruct the whole volume

Note that all models accept both RGB images (shape=(height, width, 3)) and grayscale images (shape=(height, width)).

Pair Interpolation

The only data you need for this example is the RIFE model checkpoint. Follow the instructions in the corresponding section above to get it. If you have access to the remote data storage it’s enough to run the following commands:

cd data
dvc pull checkpoints/rife.dvc
cd ..

In this example we start with a pair of images img1 and img2 (randomly generated for example’s sake). First use the RIFE model to interpolate between them in a manual way and find the image in-between (img_middle). Then we demonstrate the use of the PairInterpolate class that streamlines the interpolation procedure. Starting with the same pair of images we iterate the interpolation three times to produce a stack of seven interpolated images (interpolated_imgs).

import numpy as np

from atlinter.vendor.rife.RIFE_HD import Model as RifeModel
from atlinter.vendor.rife.RIFE_HD import device as rife_device
from atlinter.pair_interpolation import PairInterpolate, RIFEPairInterpolationModel

# Get the input images
img1 = np.random.rand(100, 200, 3) # replace by real section image
img2 = np.random.rand(100, 200, 3) # replace by real section image

# Get the RIFE interpolation model
checkpoint_path = "data/checkpoints/rife/" # Please change, if needed
rife_model = RifeModel()
rife_model.load_model(checkpoint_path, -1)
interpolation_model = RIFEPairInterpolationModel(rife_model, rife_device)

# Manually predict middle image between img1 and img2
preimg1, preimg2 = interpolation_model.before_interpolation(img1=img1, img2=img2)
img_middle = interpolation_model.interpolate(img1=preimg1, img2=preimg2)
img_middle = interpolation_model.after_interpolation(img_middle)

# Streamline the interpolation using PairInterpolate and predict a stack
# of 7 intermediate images
interpolator = PairInterpolate(n_repeat=3)
interpolated_imgs = interpolator(img1, img2, interpolation_model)

Optical Flow Models

The only data you need for this example is the MaskFlowNet model checkpoint. Follow the instructions in the corresponding section above to get it. If you have access to the remote data storage it’s enough to run the following commands:

cd data
dvc pull checkpoints/maskflownet.params.dvc
cd ..

This example demonstrates how an optical flow model can be used to compute the optical flow between a pair of images. It can then be used to warp a third image. The images in this example are randomly generated. In a realistic setting they should be replaced by real images.

import numpy as np

from atlinter.optical_flow import MaskFlowNet

# Instantiate an optical flow model (in this case: MaskFlowNet)
checkpoint_path = "data/checkpoints/maskflownet.params"
net = MaskFlowNet(checkpoint_path)

# Prepare random images. Should be replaced by real section images
img1 = np.random.rand(100, 200, 3)
img2 = np.random.rand(100, 200, 3)
img3 = np.random.rand(100, 200, 3)

# Predict the optical flow between img1 and img2
img1, img2 = net.preprocess_images(img1=img1, img2=img2)
predicted_flow = net.predict_flow(img1=img1, img2=img2)

# Warp a third image using the optical flow
predicted_img = net.warp_image(predicted_flow, img3)

Predict an Entire Gene Volume (Longer Runtime)

The data you need for this example are the RIFE model checkpoint and the Vip gene expression dataset. To get the RIFE checkpoint follow the instruction in the corresponding section above. If you have access to the remote data storage it’s enough to run the following commands:

cd data
dvc pull checkpoints/rife.dvc
cd ..

As described in the data section above, there are two ways of getting the Vip gene expression dataset. If you have access to the remote data storage you can pull it from there:

cd data
dvc pull download_dataset@Vip
cd ..

If you don’t have access then you can re-download it. This should always work, but may take several minutes:

cd data
dvc repro download_dataset@Vip
cd ..

In this example with start with a gene expression volume that has missing section images. First we load the image data and the metadata from disk and wrap it into a GeneDataset class. Then we instantiate the RIFE deep learning model that will be used for interpolation. We use this model to first predict a single slice in the volume, then we reconstruct the whole volume by predicting all intermediate slices. Note that this last step is computation-heavy and might therefore take some time.

import json

import numpy as np

from atlinter.data import GeneDataset
from atlinter.pair_interpolation import GeneInterpolate, RIFEPairInterpolationModel
from atlinter.vendor.rife.RIFE_HD import Model as RifeModel
from atlinter.vendor.rife.RIFE_HD import device as rife_device

# Load the gene expression dataset from disk
data_path = "data/sagittal/Vip/1102.npy"  # Change the path if needed
data_json = "data/sagittal/Vip/1102.json" # Change the path if needed
section_images = np.load(data_path)
with open(data_json) as fh:
    metadata = json.load(fh)

section_numbers = [int(s) for s in metadata["section_numbers"]]
axis = metadata["axis"]

# Wrap the data into a GeneDataset class
gene_dataset = GeneDataset(
  volume_shape=(528, 320, 456, 3),

# Load the RIFE deep learning model that will be used for interpolation
checkpoint_path = "data/checkpoints/rife"
rife_model = RifeModel()
rife_model.load_model(checkpoint_path, -1)
rife_interpolation_model = RIFEPairInterpolationModel(rife_model, rife_device)

# Create a gene interpolator
gene_interpolate = GeneInterpolate(gene_dataset, rife_interpolation_model)

# Predict a single section image
predicted_slice = gene_interpolate.predict_slice(10)

# Reconstruct the whole volume. This might take some time.
predicted_volume = gene_interpolate.predict_volume()